A New Year

This year is already starting off better than the previous few. Mostly because I am mobile, with no broken bones or surgeries going on. I am having FUN with a friend getting exercise in and exploring the area, there is a new puppy on the horizon for the farm, and I have been able to … Continue reading A New Year

Food Forests?

I haven't sat down to really study the whole concept of food forestry, but I have read a few articles in magazines now and then in the last few years. As someone who is fascinated by forests and foraging it is a concept that appeals to me a lot. Basically, it is the art of … Continue reading Food Forests?

Seedy Sunday 6

And a rant for Salad Bowl Sunday Yes, I know it's also "Super Bowl Sunday" but I gotta be honest here, I prefer to spend my energy on Salad Bowl Sunday ;). And cookies. The dough of which is in the fridge chilling so that I can make cutouts with them in a while. While … Continue reading Seedy Sunday 6